
We have a variety of out of print and hard to find books available. Select the Genre or Instrument you are interested in or just enter a keyword to search for and you'll see a list of some books available. You may also search for books below.

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Title Genre(s) Instrument(s) Publisher Composer List Price Location
Mallet Technique for Bass and Treble Clef Four Mallets Book 2 Belwin Feldstein $2.50 R6 S1
Mallet Technique for Bass and Treble Clef Two Mallets Henry Adler Inc. Feldstein $2.50 R6 S1
Marimba/Xylophone Solos M.M.Cole Harr $1.50 R6 S1
Modern Mallet Method Henry Adler Inc. Allan $7.50 R6 S1
Musical Studies for Intermediate Mallet Player Meredith Whaley $10.95 R6 S1
Play Vibes Henry Adler Inc. Wechter $3.50 R6 S1
Tambourin Chinois Charles Foley Kreisler $6.50 R6 S1
The Galloping Comedians Hal Leonard Goldenburg $3.50 R6 S1
Vibes for Beginners Belwin Mills Kraus $2.00 R6 S1
Yamaha Band Student Alfred $5.95 R6 S1